Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tennessee Day 1

After Atlanta we put on our hiking boots and drove straight to Falls Creek Falls State Park. Well, that was the plan at least! We ended up seeing a sign for Cumberland Caverns and it sounded interesting so we took a slight detour! Turns out they have concerts in the Caverns where they have bands as unique as Pirate bands that play Christmas Music. We were not able to attend a concert because of timing but apparently the caverns create awesome acoustics!
Side note: you are able to camp overnight in the caverns if that is something you are interested in! For us the brief tour was perfect.

Next we continued on our journey down the road just a few miles to Fall Creek Falls State Park. We hiked down to Fall Creek Falls which is the highest waterfall in the eastern United States. We went in December when there hadn’t been much rainfall so the fall was not very full but it was still absolutely breathtaking! The hike down was wonderful as well. A couple babbling brooks and many trees made for a great hike. I definitely would suggest wearing hiking boots as the rocks get slippery, saw a few people take a tumble because they were not wearing the correct footwear.

After the hike we did the scenic drive which was absolutely beautiful. We also got to take some model shots of the Jeep! The edge of the road is a cliff and I was very surprised my boyfriend let me drive through this part :)

Definitely a park I would love to go back to when the waterfall is heavier and the trees have more color, maybe October!
More later on Tennessee, happy trails

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