Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Happy People

I have been thinking a lot lately about what truly happy people have in their lives. In my observations and thoughts I noticed it was easier to first determine what it is they don't have. 

Happy people don't have perfectly clean houses, full wallets, or personal chefs. 
Happy people don't have perfect relationships, flawless routines, or days without worry. 

People that are genuinely happy have passion, curiosity, dreams, and hectic lives. They live from one dream to the next changing their mind constantly. They have so many hopes and passions that they aren't even sure which to pursue first. 

They are confused, dramatic, and at times difficult to understand. They love so passionately that it may cause fights and disagreements. They wake up every day with new questions and problems to solve. They appreciate the world around them and connect with everyone they meet. 

They are also they people who have found the one passion that makes them tick, and continue to be curious and excited about pursuing it every day. 

So much focus is placed on paychecks and "making it" in life. But when we try to discover what it is that the contagiously happy people have, it isn't always high paying jobs and an easy lifestyle. We should aspire to be passionate and curious about the world. We should aspire to BE not to obtain. Happiness is rooted in your soul and will only grow if you nurture it. If you expect it to come from outside influence (money, promotions, relationships) you will be greatly disappointed. 

Find your inner happiness, feed it, inspire it, and you will suddenly connect better with those around you. The change always begins from within.